I know that I will be alienating some people with this blog posting. I know that everyone will not agree with my point of view. But the one thing I hope we can all agree on is that everyone is free to voice their opinion. So here goes-- When are all of these reality TV shows going to end? It has gotten to the point that you can't sit down for an evening of television viewing without having to search for something other than reality TV. Survivor, American Idol, Big Brother, America's Top Model, So You Think You Can Dance?, the list goes on and on and that's not even mentioning the Canadian versions of all of these shows.
For the most part, I know people are just looking for entertainment. Something to watch while they unwind from a day at work. But come on. Reality TV? Most of these shows are more contrived than the scripted shows. Some of them don't even make sense. Where's the reality in a show where a group of people, who seem to have been chosen because of their personality conflict potential, are put in a house, closed off from outside influences and left to do ridiculous tasks?
Wouldn't it be more like reality if the people taken out to the middle of Northern Ontario in black fly season and left to survive on roots, bark and bugs with no help at all? Real survival entails not knowing if you are going to make it back alive, not competing for a spot in a luxury resort so you can have a shower and a beer.
Where is the reality in taking singers to a contest where the winner gets a recording contract based on fan votes? How many of these winners actually have enough talent/creativity to really make it in the music business after their first album? I can think of maybe—maybe, two. If you are really interested in showing the best singers or dancers, why show the idiots who have a hard time to chew gum and walk at the same time?
The main reason these shows exist is because they are cheap. Money is the bottom line. Basically you pay to get the contestants (most of whom are unpaid) to one location. Pay some film crews, build one set (not several like ongoing shows), get some big time sponsors (who pay most of the costs) for product placement and let the ridiculousness roll. These shows cost next to nothing and make all kinds of money for the producers and the networks.
I don't watch a huge amount of TV. There are about 4 shows I watch on a regular basis and a few I catch when I can, if I miss them, no big deal. All have ongoing, regular characters and compelling stories and enough action to be interesting but not distracting. I decided years ago that my life and the reality that comes with it are much more interesting than a bunch of self-centred people looking for a fast buck by doing stupid things.
1 comment:
Amen, brother!
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