Hey! Quickly, come closer! Closer! Come on, come on, before they notice! I don't mean to alarm you but… I think someone is watching me. Not everyday and not all the time but I know they're out there. Just this morning I noticed them again.
I was out there, like thousands of other New Brunswickers, cleaning up the driveway after the latest snow fall. I like things to be neat and tidy around, so I spend some time doing this each time it snows. Well, today I was out there for about an hour and a half or so and things looked pretty good. I cleaned off the snow blower, refilled the gas tank and put it in the garage, all ready for the next time. It wasn't until I was in the house, cup of coffee in hand, that I noticed them. As I looked out the window there they were! The loud rumble and scrapping noise! The wall of snow and voila! The end of my driveway was chock full of snow again!
How do they know? How do the snow plow operators know when I am finished clearing the snow off the driveway? It never fails, whether I spend 5 minutes or 2 hours out there. As soon as the equipment is put away and I am warm and snug inside—WHOOSH! Back outside I have to go and clear the end of the driveway again. I am convinced it is a plot against me. They must have cameras somewhere so they can see when I finish my work.
No, really. We should all appreciate the work that these drivers do. All hours of the day and night, they work to keep the roads safe so we can go about our daily routine with as little trouble as possible. Most of us never give them a thought. So, thank you for the work you do guys. We would all be stuck without you.
But do you think you could maybe come by before I finish my driveway from now on?
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