I am a proud Canadian. I am proud that our nation was conceived and came into existence, not through war, but through diplomacy. I am proud that Canadians live in a quiet way that sets us apart from some of our American cousins to the south. I am proud that when called upon, Canadians will stand up and do what is required of them, either on the field of diplomacy or on a field of battle. I think that our history is one to be proud of and should be held up to all students and to the world as an example.
That being said there are some things that make me ashamed to be lumped into the same pile as other people who are supposedly Canadians. Recently, a school in New Brunswick has discontinued the playing of Oh, Canada in the morning. Why did they do this? Because some parents did not want their children to take part in the exercise. It boggles the mind. What possible reason could these people have for not wanting their children to take part in a daily demonstration of the love and pride they have (or should have) for their country? Do these people not like the fact that their children can go to school freely and without restrictions? Is it that they don't feel proud to be Canadian?
One thing I do know is that if this happened in my children's school, there would be one hell of a fight. When the American national anthem plays, people stop. They show respect. Why? Because of their pride in being from the United States of America. Perhaps we have some lessons to learn from our cousins to the south. The playing of Oh, Canada has been a part of the beginning of each school day for decades and should continue to be. What makes me mad is that by removing this daily activity from the school, they are disrespecting the men from my family who fought (and in some cases died) in two world wars for this country and all of the things I am proud of. They are disrespecting all proud Canadians. Bring back the anthem. Sing it proudly. Remember the reasons we can do so freely.
Although I do not agree with this decision or the people behind it, I do respect their right to their opinion—even if it is wrong. Truly Canadian, eh?
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