It's official. There is no longer enough news to report. "Wait", you say, "what about Iraq, and Darfur? What about the environmental stories and the economic news?" Oh, yes, I agree. All news stories, and all deserving to be reported on. Lots of news and lots to say. There are plenty of places to get that news. But what about the 'news-ertainment' that seems to be an ever growing section of the airwaves? Just off the top of my head I can think of at least 5 entertainment 'news' shows on television and I don't watch a lot of television.
Who is she dating this week? What will he do when his wife finds out about his secret life? What bubbly bimbo starlet went where without their underpants? Come on! Does anyone really care? Why does the dominating aspect of this garbage have to be smut? What happened to the days when you watched these shows to see behind the scenes footage of a new movie or TV show? To hear an in-depth interview with an actor about the role or storyline. To me, that makes more interesting viewing than seeing footage of some overpaid under-brained celebrity being arrested for being dumb.
So what if the latest big star grows his vegetables in some kind of hydro-mechano-flouro-soup can? Can he act? Is her next movie going to be worth going to or should I wait for the DVD? Provide us with something useful! Heaven knows with the amount of money spent in North America each year on entertainment, there must be something worth reporting on. If there isn't, then stop talking and let those of us looking for something better find it and let the rest sink with the rest of the sludge.
When it comes to this kind of garbage 'news-ertainment'… No news really is good news.
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