For the life of me I can't ever remember having suggested to my kids that they take toys into the bath with them. I asked my wife about this and we also consulted the team of childhood development experts we keep locked in the basement, and they all agreed that no mention was made of this action to the kids. The other day I was cleaning the bathroom and I found that the amount of toys in the bath was huge. There were at least 3 boats, 6 rubber ducks and several other dolls, cups and various water animals.
When do kids begin to take these 'extras' into the tub? What is the catalyst for this? If we as parents don't suggest it, how do they get the idea? I know I did the same when I was a kid. But I think know exactly who to blame it on though -- Ernie from Sesame Street. I think it all began with his cute little 'Rubber Ducky' song and the mounds of bubbles. He made it seem like we couldn't possibly take a bath with out at least one rubber ducky toy in the water with us.
I think there should be a public enquiry into the connection between Ernie and the Rubber Ducky Industrial Complex. What was he given for his unrestrained endorsement of rubber ducks? Was it money? Kickbacks? Sexy female muppets? I think we as a nation should demand answers to these questions. Or at the very least a nice new rubber duck.